Thursday, September 13, 2007

RUB-a-DUB-DUB remus in the pool !?!

hey dogz,

it was so HOT a couple of days ago that my mum and i decided to take dip in MY pool........

and then out of nowhere this happened..........

Remus thought he could just come on in!!!!

if he was going to get in MY pool the least he could do is actually swim, all HE did was stand there..........he is so not MASTER of the pool!!!!!!!

i hope you guyz never EVER have to allow a "stinky REMUS" to stand in your pool!
its almost the weekends , ARRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOO!!!
peace out


Stanley said...

Your Puffness!!

Can't you let the Remus man have a little relief in your pool, girl? He may not be pool master, but as the one holding that title, couldn't you show a little mercy?

I *would* like to see some video of you in action in that pool! Come on, Puff. Let's see it!

Goober love,

Pee Ess
Will you be going to Chilli's Adoption Day beach pawty? You can book a seat on Air Ruby if you need a ride.

Puggle Preston said...

Hee hee..that was a great pic of Remus. was the pool too shallow for him?


Amber-Mae said...

Wow! That's your pool? NICE! Wish we had a big pool like yours...Remus, doesn't seem to like the water that much. Is your pool deep or is that how deep it is?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

Remus looks very content just to stand there and cool off! Did he leave enough room for anyone else to swim?

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

A dogs gotta do what a dogs gotta do, ya know?