Hey Everybody!
After a Long break i am finally ready to get this blog back on track! I just wanted to thank everydoggy one more time for all their kind words about heidi's passing, it really did help us through that difficult time.
DWB really helped me make some unbelievable friends!
Now on to what i have been doing lately:
A couple weeks ago my mums friends brought their dog Duffy over while they hung out. He is a 7 year old Carin Terrier, Like ToTo from wizard of Oz!! And he was a rescue dog too which just makes him all the more welcome!
Now on to something i should have posted a looooonnnggg time ago:
It seems that i have gotten some early treats before howl-oween!
This lovely award is from the pretty Asta Girl:
This lovely award is from the pretty Asta Girl:

This pretty green one is also from Asta:

This awesome one is from the handsome chihuahua boy Pedro!:

This sparkly Gold paw award is from our friend Mango:

And this cute rainbow one is also from the amazing mango:

Since it took me so long to post about these awards i am sure almost everyone has them so if you don't already have any of them go ahead and take em!
Now on to the best part!
Puff And Ivy's Howl-Oween Costumes!!
But this year i could only think of one thing that could truly represent who i am.....