Hey everyone!
Time for the Christmas picture update post! Now that were in Colorado, we realize how friggen cold it gets here ! Sometimes it so cold when it snows that us dogs cant even walk, usually ivy just does her business on the deck, which does not please my mum. Now that its march its getting warmer and nicer, but in December it got uber cold. poor ivy needed her sweater!
For Christmas we also helped decorate the old tree
see the resemblance??

molly girls favorite ornament was the mr.pluto one!
I helped by Bite-testing all the ornaments to make sure they were sturdy enough to hang on the tree!

The finished tree, thanks to all our hard work!!

oooooo all the pressies

All in all we had a pretty great christmas! It was exciting to celebrate it in our new home! Lately i haven't been up to much, last Wednesday my mum took me on a walk to this place called Devils Backbone and i nearly pulled her off a cliff but other then that i have just been hanging around.....
molly girls favorite ornament was the mr.pluto one!
oooooo all the pressies
All in all we had a pretty great christmas! It was exciting to celebrate it in our new home! Lately i haven't been up to much, last Wednesday my mum took me on a walk to this place called Devils Backbone and i nearly pulled her off a cliff but other then that i have just been hanging around.....
i had to delete the other post "puff is finally back" because this post would show up before that one when ever i posted this one for some reason