hey dogz,
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOO, little IVY gurls teeth cleaning and heart worm treatment were a sucsess!!!!
Ivy has made it through the hardest parts and now she just has to stay calm and not run around...........so i CANT see her as much as i used to but i just hope she gets better and STOPS hogging the bed!!!!
Besides that nothing much has been going on ..............
EXCEPT that the WUG-witch , yours truly, has made a RETURN!!!!! this time complete with a very HOWL-OWEENY dress!!!!
its hard to be "scary" when your a WUG-witch, but at least i don't have to try hard to be ADORABLE!!!!
little ivy even got a new costume , BUT she is STILL no WUG-witch!!!!!

This is cheyene she is very shy compared to the other dales and is still very skinny and scared, but is recovering and becoming more outgoing slowly.
As mentioned she is skinner than the other dales and her ribs can easily be seen, but hopefully she will start gaining weight soon.
once she got in the car she wasnt as nervous, and she even tried to get up front to drive it!!!!
here are some pictures of the other rescued DALES:
heres NINA one of the rescued girls!!!
this is BELLE, the DALE girl who unfortunatley went through a seizure when she was first brought in. BUT she has not gone through any seizures since.

Belle is being watched carefully, and seems to be fine. As you can see she is deffinetly up and around!!!
This is chico, the only male dale. He is very quiet and seems almost confused.
Chico, like all the other dales, is scared and confused, but these dogs deserve a better life and hopefully my mum and the other volunteers will be able to give it to them!!!
So everything has been going great:
HOWL-OWEEN is almost here!!!!!!
Also we have some news on the rescued dales too.
a couple of days ago my mum and her mum picked up DILLIE and CHEYENE from the vet. They had been shaved and looked MUCH better. Then they were taken to the kennel where the other recued DALES are being kept until they are well enough to be fostered.
This is cheyene she is very shy compared to the other dales and is still very skinny and scared, but is recovering and becoming more outgoing slowly.
here are some pictures of the other rescued DALES:
Belle is being watched carefully, and seems to be fine. As you can see she is deffinetly up and around!!!
So everything has been going great:
ivy girl is doing well, the DALES are getting better and.............
HOWL-OWEEN is almost here!!!!!!
peace out
Oh, Ivy girl looks soo pweetty in her fairy costume & you look great in your witch costume. Poor dales, I hope they will not be scared & confused in time to come & hop they will find good homes soon. My hooman M & my mommy just rescued a Yorkshire terrier last week but he has now found a new loving owner & home. Will miss Toffee boy!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We're so glad that things are looking up for Ivy!
I hope those poor Dales can forget their past and become happy, less-fearful dogs!
You look awesome in your witch's costume, Puff!
Love ya lots,
Oh, my! you too look absolutely pawsome in your costumes. hugs to Ivy.
Scrappy and Pebbles
glad that ur treatment gone well...
n seems like ur ready for d halloween pawty
I am happy that Ivy girl's treatment went well. :) Now You two are ready for halloween! I love these custumes.
I really hope these poor diggies will find forever homes.
Momo xoxo
you guys look super cute in your costumes!! the dales look so much better!
Puff Girl!
Ivy is such a sweet little fairy pup, even if she has the evil snaggle tooth grin occasionally.
You look like you've had a few too many Dogaritas in a couple of those photos. And, are you winking in that last one? Sure looks like it to me, you saucey little Wug, you!
So glad the Dales are doing better, and I'm sending them and Ivy tons of goober love & smooches so they will be healthy and free from the past to start new lives with loving peeps.
Only 8 more days til my sissy arrives! WooHoo!!
Goober love & smooches to you & your mama,
witch and fairy! your house must be filled with spells and magic!
You both look very lovely!
woofies Puff and Ivy!!! u lookies soooo cutes in ur haloweenie outfits....wol dat last pic of ivy is priceless...me hopeies all dos dales gets happy, luvin furever homes soon...
b safe,
Woah, great outfits! We especially love the terror-fairy pic, BOL! Puff, you are so cute, we definately want to come back to your site lots, so we're going to add you to our sidebar!
Cuddles & Kisses,
M & I
its me odie goto my blog
I most say it brakes my heart to see dogs drest upp like this
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