I woke up today thinking it was just another day....then i remembered it wasn't just another day it was the day of my Fricken awesome 2nd birthday!
And to properly celebrate this extremely important event my mum decided to take me to Double Dip, an ice cream parlor a good 45 minutes away that gives out free "pup cones" if you bring your fur kid.....its all about saving money apparently. Anyway me being the only responsible one drove us there
But the down side to eating a truckload of ice cream is that it has this effect on me....
I was Way too tired to drive us back home, but by the time we got back i was energized and my mum said i could plan out the rest of the day and do whatever i wanted .......SWEET!
So i wanted to burn off some of those extra ice cream calories by playing with my favorite tennis ball

By the time i was tired out, i was ready to eat some more! And i guess some of the Birthday spirit went to my head so i asked my mum to cook up some mini -pigs -in -a -blanket for me and everydog else !
They looked lip smackin good!!
And they tasted just as good too!
I guess i am not as graceful when devouring pigs-in-a-blanket as i am when eating pup cones
I even asked my mum to cook up one for Ms. Teeth!
Puff's mum : Ms. Teeth A.k.a Heidi along with most the other dogs in the house are the type of dogs who devour anything in one bite so i apologize if you cant even tell that they're eating anything....Onto the pictures!

Paris likes to take her food and devour it in a more secluded area away from all the other crazy dogs so we will just give her and the pig-in-a -blanket some privacy
The lovely molly really enjoyed her little treat
And even Stinky Winston the Destroyer of Floaties gets one, but he only gets bread because he has a very sensitive stomach
I think he was kinda pissed that he didn't get a hot dog ....oh well serves him right for popping my floaties
A whole Pig-in-a-blanket seemed like to much for little Ivy to eat

So she got a little bit of one broken up for her
And then after we were all full and happy we settled down and prepared for the highlight of the evening............

The first one was from The Stinky floaty killer.....but he did get me something maybe i judged him to harshly
Denta Bone?!? Is he trying to say that i have dirty teeth?? That Floaty murder better prepare himself for another brutal smack down! But it does say that it has " New and better taste" i wanted to try one but for some reason my mum thought that i had had enough treats for one day
Now on to present numero two that was from all my brothers and sissys
My first kong....and its pink! At first i was kinda disappointed...Meh someone come get me when there's food inside it .....
But then my mum threw it, and Woa can those things bounce!!
By the time i was tired out, i was ready to eat some more! And i guess some of the Birthday spirit went to my head so i asked my mum to cook up some mini -pigs -in -a -blanket for me and everydog else !
Puff's mum : Ms. Teeth A.k.a Heidi along with most the other dogs in the house are the type of dogs who devour anything in one bite so i apologize if you cant even tell that they're eating anything....Onto the pictures!
Paris likes to take her food and devour it in a more secluded area away from all the other crazy dogs so we will just give her and the pig-in-a -blanket some privacy
So she got a little bit of one broken up for her
And then after we were all full and happy we settled down and prepared for the highlight of the evening............
By the time i got to my last present which was from my mum i had gone a little crazy .....
But can you blame me the last one is always the best!

A NEW ROPE-BALL TOY THINGY!!! And it was most definitely my favorite pressie!

Here's a video showing me playing with my pawsome new toy in all its glory!
I had a pretty great birthday and i look forward to many more birthdays and adventures in the future!!!

Oh and one more thing, some of you seem to think that Stinky Winston looks too innocent ( obviously you guys haven't seen him after he has bad gas) and that he didn't commit the horrible crime of killing my floaties. Although i am pretty sure he is a guilty dog i am an amateur detective and who knows maybe Winston popping my orange floaty was just a decoy ordered by a team of ninja cats! But if you guys have any theories on who did it let me know and ill open up the case to investigate once again!
A NEW ROPE-BALL TOY THINGY!!! And it was most definitely my favorite pressie!
Here's a video showing me playing with my pawsome new toy in all its glory!
I had a pretty great birthday and i look forward to many more birthdays and adventures in the future!!!
Oh and one more thing, some of you seem to think that Stinky Winston looks too innocent ( obviously you guys haven't seen him after he has bad gas) and that he didn't commit the horrible crime of killing my floaties. Although i am pretty sure he is a guilty dog i am an amateur detective and who knows maybe Winston popping my orange floaty was just a decoy ordered by a team of ninja cats! But if you guys have any theories on who did it let me know and ill open up the case to investigate once again!
lots of love
The now 2 year old puff
w00f's Puff and all, happy barkday to u, Puff...me will fix ur carwd tomorrow, me iz sleepy now....hope u had a very happy day and u has many many more barkdays....
b safe,
Happy Barkday my Puffy! You got lots of i scream to eat on your special day. Great pressies too! Hope you had a splendid time.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Birthday, Puff!!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun and did a lot of well deserved feasting on your special day. I loved all the pictures, especially the one of you and your ice cream!! Don't worry, I eat ice cream just as slowly as you do. It's not every day that you get such a treat so a pup should savor it!
Happy birthday to you Powder Puff. What a pawsome way to celebrate your special day with ice cream and treats. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi Puffy,
I am so sorry I missed your birthday. Ice cream and a cherry too...Wow!! That cherry sure looks tasty. The Mommy loves the video of you playing with your rope ball and thinks the shot of you on your back in the video is priceless. The Mommy want's to do a post about you...cam we use the picture of you with your rope toy in your mouth? Let me know.
Love ya lots & lots........Mona
Happy Barkday Puff! Wow in just one day, your age doubled! You sure got some awesome treats and fun presents...even a designer tennis ball/tugging toy. That would have been my favorite, too. Paws down!
Your pal,
Happy Barkday, Puff! Sounds like you had a pawesome celebration with ice cream and pressies! Your rope toy is very cool!
Love and licks
Wow, I haven't talked to you in a long time! I can't believe we have the same birthday and we're both exactly 2! I think we should visit each other's blogs more often. I'm gonna add you to my blog roll. You had an amazing birthday. Mine was pretty great too. I got to have strawberry short cake and some pizza. My mom is leaving today to take my human sister to college but says she's bringing me home some presents! Thanks for stopping by. Tell Ivy I said hello ok?
Happy Birthday, Puff!
Wow: three ice cream flavors in one day? And presents? And good friends?!? That's my kind of celebration. Wish we could have been there to join in the fun!
PS- Thanks so much for your nice note about the book title--that's really sweet.
Wow, you had a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday from Levi
What a pawsome day!! I'd say you had tha pawfectest Birfday evew!!! That cone looked wondewful, and savouwing it slowly is the wayto go! and then playing, and mowe tweats, and pweseents..faboolous!!
I hope you have many many many mooowe
smoochie kisses
Man, your birthday was a BLAST! You must have had so much fun! And you got to drive?! That's pawesome!
The ice cream looked really good, I started drooling on the keyboard again!
Hi, Powder Puff -
Happy Belated Birthday, Powder Puff! That ice cream looks really good.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Wow you got lots of ice cream. Mini pigs in a blanket look so yummy. You will have to really play hard with your ball in order to burn off all those calories..
It was nice meeting you. Hope you had a wonderful Barkday..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Holy cow you had an amazing birthday! We never get our own cones, EVER. And then pigs in a blanket and toys, you are so so lucky! happy birthday!
Hi, Puff...
Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday, Dear Puffy,
Happy Barkday to you...
Enjoy your presents...That ice cream looked yummy...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Puff and family,
Happy Birthday to you, Puff.
A happy day filled with Mini Pig in a blanket, key lime covered cherry, ice cream, pressies, I couldn't wish more.( As simple as that but My mom doesn't know how to make me happy ).
I live in Richardson, Texas, that makes us neighbor. Come over to sign my guessbook, please.
Happy Barkday Puff!!! What a great day you had! Ice cream, playing outside, hot dogs, and prezzies?! How awesome!!!
Lots of love,
M & I
Hi, Puff!
Happy Birthday!
I can see you had a great day celebrating!
Ice cream, treats and presents!
I am so happy for you!
Kisses and hugs
Happy birthday Puff. The photos are pawesome. We love seeing all of you.
You look like your really enjoying the ice-cream cone. We're hoping to get to try some soon.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
hey Powder Puff,
Happy happy late (sorry!) birthday! Woofs to you! You sure had an amazing bark-birthday! My human and I really enjoyed looking at all your photos and the video. So much fun you had! You are one special and loved Wug!
And you even got an ice cream covered cherry! Yummy!
Enjoy all your new toys!
Happy birthday, Puff! We are just THRILLED that you got ice cream! And you savored it and didn't woof it down! You're quite the lady, ya know!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Barkday!! Hope it was happy :)
Oh Puff happy barkday. I hope I will drive so well as you when I'm that old, you look fierce!
What a great birthday you had! Complete with ice cream and everything. My birthday celebrations really pale compare to yours!
Happy Barkday Puff! You sure had a very nice day, ice cream, pig n blankies and pressie! I am so happy that you had such a nice day!
hi Puff, your birthday looks like it was totally amazing - a perfect dog day. we love that kind of day and you really deserve it. it was all about you from start to finish.
your video was really cute and that soundtrack was perfect for it!
Hi Puff,
What a pleasant surprise to know that we live so close to each other! My mom helped me checkout the Renaissance hotel website, she liked it!
Then I don't worry about being homeless if my mom gets mad at me, woof, I'll call Renaissance hotel to pick me up! Please tell your mom's dad about his potential guest!
after seeing all that yummy food, and all those toys, I am definitely deprived! I've never eaten a cone before! :(
you sure are loved Puff! Looks like you had a great birthday!
Hey, Girlie!
Looks like you had one big blow out of a Puff-O-Rama for your 2nd barkday! Happy Happy Happy, girl! We here in GooberSTan are stinkin' glad you were born.
Looks to me like you're just a dainty eater. No harm in that. Tell your mama that those pigs don't need blankets to be good, but the blanket IS a nice touch!
May you have many more Puffolicious days frolicking with the crew there!
Goober love & smooches,
Puff...Happy Belated Birthday!! Two years is quite a celebration, and your Mom really pulled out all the stops. Ice cream! Pigs in a blanket! You deserve them all.
xoxo - Bella
happy barkday, puff...
u have such a great day
Happy birthday to you Puff! I missed your birthday and I am sorry. But guess what? My gotcha day is the same day as your birthday and I wrote about it in my small world. www.jbssmallworld.blogspot.com
Looks like you had a great day!
Happy Belated Birthday Powder Puff!!! It looks like you had a super duper fun B-Day. I cannot believe you got to eat an entire Ice Cream Cone and Pigs in a Blanket! I'm drooling already!
Hey Puff!
You are Big Brother and me put together! I've never seen such a thing before! I look forward to reading more about you. Why don't you check out my blog, HERE so we can get to know each other more!
Hi Puff
I'm real happy you had such a wonderful time on your barkday. Hope you are keeping well. I'm still not blogging a lot. Mum is very busy.
Love from Hammer
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