hey dogz,
well i haven't been up to much, today was a normal day...............
i took a nap
i opened a can of smack down on the BALL STEALER!!!!!
i even asked MiSs.TeEtH why she was either GROWLING or in the fetal position all the time!!!
every thing was fine until............ my mum just happend to decide to buy me
ANOTHER pink fou fou dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
once AGAIN i wasnt thrilled by this gift!!!!!!!!!!!!
trust me i put up quite the fight........... but trying to EAT the dress dosent really work!!!!!!!
OH GREAT this one has LACE and A BOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but my mum knows my weakness she bribed me with my very OWN pink bling ring!!!!!!!!!!
....... so i posed for a few pictures..........but i do look ADORABLE in that dress, even though it has lace!!!!!!!
and after a breif " marylin man-dog" momment i was ready to go downstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and let me tell you even when i am wearing a pink fou fou dress i still love to catch that TENNIS BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after i caught that ball a few 1,000 TIMES i decided to SMILE for the STOOPID flashing thing!!!!!!!!!!!!but then my mum said that i had been such a "good sport" that i deserved a treat..
oh yes she did say treats, and not just any treats GOOBERLICOUS TREATS!!!!!!!
i did a little GOOBERLICOUS dance!!!!!!!
but then my mum was taking to long so i had to tell her to hurry up, i wanted those GOOBERLICOUS TREATS!!!!!!!!
sometimes it pays to wear a FOU FOU DRESS!!!!!
peace out
Puff Girl!!
You know, those are my signature treats, right? I think you look totally gooberlicious and smoochilicious in your foufou pink lacey dress. I KNOW that you're tough, but you've got a soft side too. The booty shot was priceless! Thanks for the show!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
Please promise NEVER to open up a can of smackdown on ME, ok? I don't even want to see what that looks like.
Oh, you look pweetty in that dress Puff girl. Looks like a pajama dress. Those Gooberlicious Stanley treats look delicious! Yummy!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
well you look just GREAT in that dress!!
You really do dress up quite nicely Puff!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Puff.....You sure know how to do a post....always lots of pictures and we love em.
Even if you don't like it we like the dress. It's your color.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Hello! Puff, thanks for the well-wish you left on my blog. That gooberlicious treat looks so yummy. That would definitely help me recovery from my surgery a lot of faster, right? Hope my mommy got the hint...
You look cute in that dress!
u looks really girlish in that pink lacey dress...
so now u gotta behave like a real girl...no more snapping, wrestling
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