Saturday, January 19, 2008

Puff and the Dramatic video

Hey dogz,

Hope you all are having a Pawsome weekend!!

This is just a quick post to share another video my mom edited together, the video was taken right after my bath so i was doing the " freak out and rub myself all over the furniture" dance.

I kind of think the video is overdone with the sappy piano playing and the black and whiteness, but i hope you enjoy!!

I will post again on monday with some new pictures and videos!!

Peace out


Lacy said...

woofies Puff and Ivy...glad to seed u posting and heehee me luved the watchied da one of u sleeping too...

b safe,

tuffyinsaudi said...

hey thks for comments!!
mummy bought me some sweaters for winter and they look funny on me! especially the one with a hood... covers my eyes... aargh...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Puff!
Good job drying yourself! I've never done that and looks fun. I have to try it next time I get a bath!
Have a great day

Joe Stains said...

It says the movie is no longer available :(

Kathryn and Ari said...

Lovely! Not to mention polite: after a dreaded bath, Ari makes a point of pulling back the covers on MY bed and rolling around somewhere near my pillow. Nothing says a good night sleep better than soggy, doggy sheets. (smile).

Looking forward to visiting again soon!

the many Bs said...

hi Powder puff, we had baths yesterday and did the same thing. you look very cute in black and white. hee hee.


Jessica said...

Looks like you did a great job of rubbing that new bath smell all over the place. We love the close up face shots.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Juno said...

Hello Puff!!!

Wow, we're very very impressed by your video!! Is your mom professional video editor? We think music is good and the video captures your cute dance!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Frasier said...

We saw you on the 4XBs blog and had to visit!!

Southbaygirl said...

Hi Puff-thanks for the comment. I do the furniture dance as well when I get're funny! And cute!


Sami & Baylee said...

Hi Puff! Thank you for visiting my web page! I sure do like you white fur, it is so pretty! I too get very energetic after a bath and I run just wild. So much fun! I am glad I got to meet a nice doggie like you!

Your friend Sami,
aka Golden Girl

Hammer said...

Hi Puff
I do exactly the same as you after I'm bathed but I make much more of a mess and I slobber too. When I shake, the water travels a long way.
I liked the music on your video. We were able to see yours. Mum is pulling her hair out with Blogger now coz it keeps stopping.
Love from Hammer

Puggle Preston said...

Hello, Puff!
Love the video! I gotta learn that dance from you. If I know how to dry myself up after bath, maybe mommy will not use that scary blow-dryer on me anymore.


Anonymous said...

Hey Puff thanks for stopping by my blog!

I think you were very restrained in your post-bath video - I go mega crazy!!


Amber-Mae said...

What a great video & nice music. I go crazy too after mah bath!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Woof, Puff! We gave you an award! Sweepy, the SuperDog

Lola Smiles said...

Yo Puff!! I do that same pillow dance with my face after I've eaten a 'stinky' bone! Wigglebutt Wags, Lola

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Puffy,

ya look so cute in your video. the Mommy really likes the close up at the end of you pretty face.

we's just gots our 'puter fixed after it been broken for more than a month so we haven't caught up on all your posts but the Mommy just wanted to say hello & let you know Me is back.

Love Mona & the Mommy too!