Oh my dog. Its has been awhile. Hopefully some dogs will remember me. In case you need a refresher; Hello, I'm Powder-puff the westie pug mix A.ka a Wug!
And I'm back, baby
It has indeed been a long time since i last blogged, and sadly we have had two losses
Little Pixie Pixie fell off the couch, and completely messed up her neck. She was in horrible pain, and the humans decided to let her go. It was horribley sad, and all us dogs were so used to her being in that one spot on the couch. Everyone loved her, she was a sweet little schnauzer with a bit of spunk
And, molly. Molly was an older dog, about 13 or 14. And she might have had a stroke, but what ever happened- my mom and her parents knew it was her time to cross over to the rainbow bridge. It was less sad for molly because we all feel she is finally at peace. Molly was such a sweet dog, And i will miss her mother like guidance.
Piggy loved to cuddle up to Molly....You'll meet piggy in a minute
Besides the two tragic losses, we've also had a few additions to the Dwyer house
This is Button. This elder Schnauzer girl was found roaming the streets in Oklahoma. And when animal control called the number on the tag the previous owners said 'oh we didnt want her anymore'. Stinky rotten hoomans. So my mom's daddy drove down on a mini roadtrip and picked her up, and she's now a part of the family. (please ignore the bra background, she sleeps in my mom's room)She absolutely despises the Vacuum. And hardly allows it in her presence without attacking it with a vengeance. She even cleared a baby gate once trying to get after it, she just hates it that much
Sometimes we have mini quarrels over toys. She makes lots of noises when she plays. And shes quite a feisty little girl. The name comming not only from her button like tail, but also from the fact that shes cute as a button
And this.....this is Piggy. Full name Penelope, but we all call her Piggy, well because she resembles a pig. Her tongue is perpetually stuck out, and she has the worst gas of any dog on the planet. The animal shelter said she was a French bulldog, but we're not so sure...we just know she's part pig
Every morning she leaps off the deck, and hits the ground running like a bullet. She sure is something. Winston is absolutely scared of her, and I dont blame him. My overview of piggy is that she is a smelly, but good dog.
Well thats the update. Here I am, a couple years older, but same basic Puff
I hope to get right back into the blogging game. So looking for at least a weekly update
I look forward to getting to know everyone again
Tail wags, and kiss
Nature Friday
6 hours ago
How awesome to see you again, Puff! We are so very sorry to hear about Pixie and Molly. We love our seniors.
Button is too cute and we love Piggy's tongue!
We're so glad you're back!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Powder-Puff & gang! Missed you guys so much.
I am so sorry to read that you've lost 2 of your family members. Must have been a hard time for you all but I'm happy to know you have new pups in your family!
We hope you all are well.
Puffy!! I'm so excited to read you are back!!!!!! I've missed you so much. Mommy has been home the last few days sick and when she got up and saw you had stopped by she started perking up. Lots has happened to our families but we are and always will be faamily.
Piggy and my new brother Weenie would make a great couple. Mommy thought he had the worst gas in the world!!
Love & {{{huggies}}}.....Mona, Weenie and Mommy
Thanks for stopping by our blog. Sounds like there have been lots of changes at your house!
That was wonderful of your parents to rescue Button. We cannot believe humans sometimes!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Hi Puff, I have been blogging for a little over a year now, so I did not know of you before your visit to my blog. Thanks for stopping by and welcome back! Great to meet you. Looks like you have quite a gang over there at your house. I can't wait to learn all about your adventures.
Love Wilma
( Brigotte and Sluggo say hi too)
Hi Puff, thanks for stopping by our blog. We have never seen or heard of a wug, but you sure are cute. Sorry to hear about Pixie and Molly. We loved meeting the rest of your furamily and look forward to more fun adventures.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am very very happy to see you again!
Almost 2 years!
Glad you are back!
I am so sad to know about Pixie and Molly. Sure it was not easy for all of you!
And welcome Button and Piggy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Puff, nice to meet you and the rest of the guys! Mack and I started blogging in Aug 2010, so we did not know you before. We will look forward to visiting your blog to see what you guys are up to!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
hey Puff,
I am SO furry happy to see my bestest little wug friend again! You still look as adorable as ever!
I am so deeply saddened to read of the losses of both Pixie and Molly. Both were beautiful pups, and will be missed. Pixie's accident sounds horrible. So sorry for your loss.
Buttons is a great addition, and a furry cute pup! So funny how much he hates the vacuum cleaner! Your mom is an Angle for taking him him after his mean other humans dumped him. I don't know what is wrong with some humans. Sad.
And Penelope is adorable! Love her little tongue!
Welcome back!
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